Denise Green, an expatriate artist born in Brisbane, studied at L'Ecole des Beaux-Arts and the Sorbonne in Paris before moving to New York in the 1960s where Robert Motherwell and Mark Rothko mentored her at Hunter College and where she still resides. Known for her Neo-expressionist paintings characterised by intense subjectivity and an instinctive handling of materials, Green gained prominence through the ground-breaking exhibition New Image in Painting at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York in 1978. Green's subjects are characteristically simple and archetypal - often centrally presented against a reduced background. With more than 140 solo exhibitions, 35 of which were solo museum shows, her works have been acquired by more than 50 public collections. Since 1999 there have been nine retrospectives of her work which continues to be exhibited regularly in the USA, Europe and Australia.