Lorraine Biggs

"I love the intertidal zone especially after a storm when the beach is full of seaweed wrack and new shells washed up onto the beach by tides, winds and waves. Life can be busy with our minds humming, planning and bustling, but walking the tides each day helps to calm my mind. Pools of water always represent the metaphysical and sub-conscious for me. I love the dream-like state nature's complexity provides. It can be profound when we are full of uncertainty. 


I like to sit way up on an isolated beach area and just not think. Contemplation and doing nothing are very underrated. A 'mental health day' is a term we have become familiar with today. A day to take off from our work commitments or life in general. A sanctuary from life's pressures. Sea air, deep-breathing, emptying the mind, whatever works for calmness when all around is turbulent."

Tasmania’s breathtaking landscapes have profoundly influenced Lorraine Biggs’s artistic journey, transforming a brief study stint into a lifelong commitment to its mesmerising environment. Initially drawn by its natural dynamism, Lorraine immersed herself, establishing a dialogue with the landscape and allowing phenomena and the elemental gravitas of Australia’s southernmost state to shape her work as a visual artist. 


Lorraine primarily cultivates drawings and oil paintings freighted with the alchemy of Tasmania’s land, sea and skyscapes. She collects sketches and notes, soundbites and memories, absorbing the sensorial qualities of her surroundings and pouring them into works that capture the gentle details often missed by the casual observer.


Through art, Lorraine forges a way for viewers to explore the intricacies of nature, highlighting the strikingbiodiversity present in even the simplest scenes, like wetlands or ponds. Anchored by a belief that beauty plays a vital role in our lives, serving as an antidote to the negativity often associated with environmental issues, Lorraine fosters a sense of appreciation and wonder, herwork encouraging a deeper understanding of the natural world and allowing people to connect emotionally and intellectually. In celebrating nature’s beauty, she buildsawareness and advocacy for the environment, showcasing its preciousness and fostering a collective responsibility for its preservation.


Lorraine’s works are widely exhibited and feature in many important private and public collections nationwide, including Artbank, Art Gallery of WA, and many universities and hospitals. 


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